How Can You Train Cats? – A Quick Guide

There is a preconceived notion that cats can’t be trained, but over the period, most cats have put this theory to shame by doing exceptionally well in listening to commands and getting trained.

Cats are free-willed and stubborn feline creatures, which makes it all the more difficult to train them. But it does not mean it is impossible to train cats. They can certainly be trained to adhere to some commands and gestures. All it takes is time and patience from both the cat-owners and the cats.

Let’s delve into the world of the furry feline creatures and discover how they can be trained, and the tricks and tips associated with it.


How to Train Your Cat

With continued and repeated practice of commands and gestures, the cats will soon be able to perform commands such as, to sit, to roll over, to give this, etc. Training is a great way to discipline and instil a sense of obedience in domestic cats. The training usually is initiated when the kittens are three months old.

  • The constant practice will build their familiarity and, they will be able to recall when commands are given and act accordingly.
  • The cat-owners and the cats must go ahead one step at a time to make sure whatever was taught has been instilled in them. Too many commands and gestures will only confuse the cats.
  • Make sure to reward the cats accordingly, for they will perform according to the commands when they are eager for appreciation or tasty treats.


Commands for Cats

Here are some basic commands, which every cat can be trained to listen to, as they prove to be essential while trying to discipline cats. Remember to be gentle when giving out such commands, as a scared cat will only find it stressful.


Teach Your Cat to Sit

The cat-owner will have to repeatedly emphasize the word sit until the cat develops an understanding over the period and starts acting. This command could be accompanied by a hand gesture as well, like tapping on the floor, to make it easier. The cats will feel more encouraged to act as per their command when they receive compliments or an affectionate pat after obeying.


To Fetch

This is a fun play-time activity that even most dog-owners do with their pets. It boosts their awareness and instils a sense of bonding between both parties. It can be achieved, by throwing an object in the air, preferably lightweight, and keep commanding the cat to fetch while pointing at the objects. The command will be learned only when the cat fetches the object,


Come on Command

The cats can be taught to come on command with just the help of some cat-treats and compliments. The cat-owners will have to point at them and keep saying come until they perform the command. Some hand gestures, such as a beckoning movement of the hand, will prompt the cats. Treats and compliments will help a long way in learning these commands.


High-Fives and Handshakes

The cat-owners can gently tap on their paws while constantly uttering Hifi until the cats develop an understanding. Even the slightest of progress in their movement must be awarded a treat or petting to encourage them to partake further. Clippers can also be used, in case the cats decide on being unruly and violent by biting and scratching hands.


To Be Gentle

Sometimes cats tend to get excited and grow aggressive. To control this behaviour, the owners must keep repeating the word gentle until they retreat. When cats sink their teeth into furniture or when they get playful with other humans or creatures, especially. It is imperative to keep this aggression under control at all times,


Common Cat Behaviours

Almost all cats share the same behavioural problems as they mature and progress into adult cat. Here is a list of common behaviours of cats which the cat-owners provide training for


Litter Box Training

The litter box training poses some difficulties as it takes a lengthier period and patience for the cats to get used to this. If the cat exhibits any sign of wanting to urinate, they can immediately be placed in this litter box and wait until they have done their business. Right after each meal, the cats can be placed in the litterbox to avoid any sort of risk. If they correctly do it in the litter box without making a mess, they can be rewarded, which will motivate them further.


Scratching & Biting

Cats are seen scratching the various properties of the household, purely out of boredom and fun. The cats need to be trained, to prevent them from causing damage to the furniture. The cat-owners can assign a scratch space and spray it with catnip to encourage them to scratch that space alone instead of others. If not, rag dolls or toys will be provided, which will keep cats occupied.


Marking Territories

The cats have the habit of marking their territories either by urinating or rubbing against them to establish ownership. It happens with all cats that are in the process of attaining sexual maturity. Usually, to reduce their chances of reproduction, these cats will be sterilized by spaying and neutering.


 Additional Cat Training Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure you have clippers and treats with you when the cats are being trained. Clippers can be used gently when the cats get all aggressive and start biting the hands of the person holding them. But appreciating in the form of patting it, brushing it, or feeding treats will make them more obedient
  • It is better not to punish cats while they are being trained, as it will not help in any way and will only further boost their stress
  • The cats can be provided with dolls stuffed with catnip or catnip sprayed toys to play around with. This will make them more energetic and will also prevent them from causing any trouble in the house



Cats are hence, not so difficult to train if they get enough time and space to improve on themselves. These domestic cats are trained to be better companions with the cat-owners. Consulting a veterinary doctor is also recommended before cat-owners start training the cats, as they can make dietary recommendations and also diagnose if the cat is physically fit to undergo the planned training exercises with ease.

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