Fruits and Vegetables That You Can Feed Your Dogs

fawn puppy dog with orange carrot on the floow

It is quite common to share our favourite snacks with our dog because we love them. Also thinking that it might be better for them. But, human food can be outrightly dangerous for dogs. It is essential to feed them food that will increase their stamina, strength and health for the long-term. Although dogs derive most of their nutrition from non-vegetarian food, they can be benefitted from some fruits and vegetables.



1. Apples

Apples are a great source of Vitamin A and C and fibre for dogs. They can help your dog with its digestive system. To add a plus point, they are low in protein and fat that can make a perfect snack for senior dogs. But make sure to remove the core and seeds of the apple before feeding them as they can harm their health.


2. Bananas

Who doesn’t like bananas? Yes, you definitely can treat your dog with bananas. They are rich and high in potassium, vitamins, fibre, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and also rich in Vitamin B6 and C. They are naturally sweet and would not be feasible to give your dogs every day. But giving them as a treatment might work.


3. Blueberries

These cute little berries are rich in antioxidants. They are low in fat, high in fibre and Vitamin C. Their intake can increase antioxidants in dogs that can help them fight against cancer and prevent cell damage in your furry dogs. Find a dog treat to make your dog catch them in the air? Blueberries are a treat.


4. Cucumbers

Yes, dogs can surely eat cucumbers. They are light for the dog’s diet as they have no carbohydrates, fats and oils and boosts their energy levels. They are loaded with Vitamin K, C and B1 including potassium, biotin, magnesium and copper. But feeding too much can also lead to an upset stomach.


5. Mango

Dogs love mangoes. They are sweet, bright and sets the mood right during summers. They are rich in Vitamin A, B6, C and E. But make sure to remove the hard pit which can turn into cyanide. Since it naturally has high sugar content, control the amount that you give your dogs.


6. Pears

Small chunks can be a treat for your dog. They are high in copper, Vitamin K and C and fibre. Eating fruit can reduce stroke by 50 per cent. But make sure to remove the seeds and pit them as the seeds may be a source of cyanide.


7. Watermelon

Watermelon is a source of water as they have 92 per cent of water. It can help your dog stay hydrated well. Don’t forget to remove the seeds and rind as they can cause intestinal blockage.


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1. Broccoli

Dogs can eat broccoli but in smaller quantities. They can be an occasional treat. They are rich in fibre and Vitamin C, along with low fat. A larger amount can cause gastric irritation and lead to diarrhoea. Broccoli stalks are also considered to obstruct the oesophagus.


2. Brussels Sprout

Brussel Sprouts are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that are great for humans and dogs. But it also comes with a warning. To feed too much of this Brussel sprouts can have a gassy effect, for humans and dogs alike.


3. Carrots

Carrots are an excellent low-calorie snack for dogs. They are rich in fibre and beta-carotene, which also produces Vitamin A. Crunching on each bite is also great for your dogs to eat.


4. Celery

If you are finding a natural scrub for your dog’s teeth, celery is the perfect example to choose. It contains Vitamin A, B, C. Celery also contains nutrients that promote a healthy heart and helps fight cancer.


5. Green Beans

Dogs can munch on green beans. They are safe for your dogs until they are plain. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, with low-calorie and full-fibre. But opt for low-salt or no-salt beans while feeding canned beans to your dog or your pup.



Fruits and vegetables are good for dogs as they have health benefits attached to them knowing that they are consuming good proteins, minerals, vitamins and fibre. However, fruits and vegetables for dogs are still a side option since their diet is non-vegetarian food. Not to forget, dogs are omnivores and that they depend both on plant-based and meat-based food to help them sustain life. Dogs need a lot of protein as compared to humans to survive. We can’t just remove meat or non-vegetarian food from their diet just like that.

To maintain a high protein diet in dogs is impossible without meat. Dogs need essential fatty acids that can be provided to them only by meat proteins. These acids are crucial for the protection of the dog’s skin and coat. The absence of these acids can lead to itchy and flaky skin.

Also, dogs require omega fatty acids which can be given to them through Fish like Salmon, tuna, etc. Besides, boiled chicken can be fed as they have an abundant amount of protein. Non-vegetarian diets can be helpful for dogs to sustain and survive in their life.

So, making your dog switch to a completely plant-based diet is a big NO unless recommended by a veterinarian.

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